
Jane and I have been working about an hour each day on the house. It usually turns into an hour and a half or two hours. But today I have been moving at a snail’s pace due to the pea soup we’re living in today.

I was able to make a plan for a couple of new book cases for her little room. Jane would be totally happy to line all the walls of all the rooms with book cases. I keep telling her that not having too many books, or too many of anything is a much more reasonable way to live. She thinks I’m just being mean. Her parents are academics, classics professors, and they lave fewer books in their house than we have. there is not a book that we can throw away.

So I’m throw a bit of a bone to Jane by building her these small shelves. they won’t take up valuable living space but they might ecroach on the her work space a bit.

I haven’t workd as hard as I would have liked today. I have a very nice little to do program for the phone and it’s telling me exactly what I have to do. I just can’t seem to get on with it. I think I’ll dig through my email one more time. Maybe look at photos of naked women.

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